

Dr. Richard K. Lenz

Managing Partner & CEO, Rigeto

Since 2013, Dr. Lenz has been co-founder and managing partner of Rigeto. After studying mechanical engineering and obtaining his doctorate at the Technical University of Munich and studying business administration at the LMU Munich, Dr. Lenz worked in multiple positions in the investment business (including Orlando Management AG), in M&A at Deutsche Bank, and as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company. He has also held numerous Managing Director positions, including at BHT Hygienetechnik, E.I.S. Aircraft Group, and Interlübke. The experience he gained allows him to provide level-headed, reflective support to the companies acquired by Rigeto. In addition to industrial goods in the fields of aviation, medical, and security technology, his entrepreneurial interests focus in particular on companies in the jewelry and consumer goods industries. In addition to his activities at Rigeto, he is a member of the TEG Board of Trustees, as well as of YPO Munich.