
Prof. Garen Markarian
Author in Financial Markets, Corporate Finance, & Financial Statements
Prof. Garen Markarian is an international scholar specializing in corporate finance and governance. Being the author of numerous scientific publicatons, he edited the Routledge Companion to Fair Value Accounting along with Dr. Gilad Livne, for example. Some of the schools he has taught at are WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, IE Business School, HEC Paris, Bocconi, Concordia, and Rice. Prof. Markarian has conducted extensive research on governance mechanisms, executive compensation, the banking crisis, the stock market, and financial statements and valuation. His publications have received awards both from the American Finance Association and the American Accounting Association. They were also mentioned in the Financial Times and CFO Magazine. Previously, he was a consultant for Standard & Poor’s “Society of Industry Leaders." Furthermore, he was the first regional economic officer for the United Nations and has consulted various start-ups and private equity firms. Prof. Markarian has more than 15 years of experience in management education at the undergraduate, graduate, doctorate, and executive level. He has extensive experience in curriculum design, institution building, and the implementation of various degree programs. He graduated from the American University of Beirut with a Bachelor of Science degree in biology. He later earned a Ph.D. from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University.